Crank, I never said that humans use only 10 % of their brain. (although I should have clarified that in my original post wink ) I querey as to how the expression came to fruition. I never said self-awareness was unique to humans either.

TOE, "In fact, many physicists take the position that physics is the only fundamental science. Their argument runs as follows: all sciences--biology, chemistry, geology, etc.--are concerned with matter; all matter is composed of atoms; physics describes the dynamics and internal configurations of atoms. Extension of this physico-centric view can result in profound philosophical consequences. For example, if one accepts that the human brain controls all human behavior, and if one accepts that the brain is composed entirely of atoms whose behavior is completely described by laws of physics, then one may reasonably question whether a person has the free will to control his behavior." as taken from


"My God, it's full of stars!" -2010