
I'm sure you see a lot from my words. Some people look at television snow and see imminent alien invasion. You see my words and see bad manners.

It is bad manners to come into a science forum and dump a load of poorly researched garbage as if it were a gift from the gods. I have cherry-picked nothing.

Bazza dumped a load of poorly researched, badly reasoned silliness onto this forum. I responded to a few that were obviously and easily refuted. You and he both have a problem grasping logic. It's a waste of time discussing it with you. There is plenty of information on the net refuting every claim you fellows have made. If you were familiar with actual research, you would be aware of these refutations and would not have posted them on here.

Look at this:

He refutes a fair number of your points itself - and he does so in greater detail than what I have done.

The funniest stuff from the conspiracists is about the Apollo computers: exactly the kind of argument one would expect from someone with a marginal understanding of the history and capabilities of computers.