1. "You require me to believe that because of parallax when photos are taken by unmanned missions the stars are clearly visible but when the photos are taken on "manned missions" they are not visible."

No. I didn't say that parallax would make fewer stars visible. If you're not going to actually read my responses, please let me know now so I can reserve my comments for people who pay attention.

I said that it's probably the case that fewer stars can be seen because the shutter speed on the cameras is so fast. How many stars can you see in the day time on earth?

Humanity has forgotten LOTS of things. There are LOTS of companies that make automobiles. The technology is very old. Space programs are much more complicated and so far they're restricted to bureaucratic governments.

Okay, there were not "stacks", but A stack of three separate computers. Back in those days we didn't have the burden of overhead of the kinds of operating systems we use today. With so little memory, programmers had to be clever, creative, and very thrifty with code.

You haven't demonstrated anything scientifically. You've made a bunch of claims and then stated a bunch of inferences, electing to pretend that the most unlikely explanations are far more likely than the more obvious ones.